Hello people of the interweb!

NOVEMBER IS HERE! And we are very close to the end of 2016. So I decided to write something related to 2016 because I was pondering about all the things that I did in 2016 or all the things that happened to me in 2016 and how I feel kind of grateful for all of them.

So as you can probably tell by the title, this post is going to be about things that I did in 2016 that made me feel very proud of myself (sounds cheesy but I don't really care). Now these are not crazy big achievements like "Hey! I got a job at Google!" or "Hey! My eyebrows finally look like Cara Delevingne's!(which by the way are just GOALS)". Instead, I am going to be talking about little things that I did or how I dealt with certain things ( to be more accurate ) which led to me being proud of myself. So enough for the intro it's now time to get into it.

DISCLAIMER: I am not trying to brag or anything. If you end up thinking for some reason that I am trying to show off or brag in any way after reading this then there is something seriously wrong with you. I just want people to appreciate the little things and little efforts that they put every day because god knows, it gets hard to do even the littlest of things sometimes. That's all. 

Image source: Google

1. I survived the biggest heartbreak in the history of the world.

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Let me just say, this was literally the most hurtful thing that I had to go through in my life except of course my grandma's death back in 2015.  But this was my first real heartbreak and it felt like a death in itself to me. And what followed were long months of sadness, crying myself to sleep, anger, anxiety, low confidence and EXTREMELY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS. BUT I recovered in the greatest way possible and now that I look back upon it I feel very proud of myself because: a) I didn't get a rebound or anything. Not saying that if you get a rebound then you're a bad person but it's just that, it was one of those things that I didn't want to do (and I didn't) and  b) This person wasn't worth suffering for. 

2. I was vegan for four months. 

Image source: Google

YES it was hard. YES I had to check labels of everything before putting it in my mouth. And YES it was totally worth it. Being vegan is still on my list. It's the right thing to do. I still very much believe that animals should not be killed and tortured for one's pleasure. And I failed at it. But that does not mean that I am not proud of myself for being vegan (even if for 4 months). Because yes, that did not make me a saint but food is culture and when you deny that piece of chicken that somebody offers you then you're somehow denying yourself that culture experience and that, my friend, is hard. And so I would like to appreciate all the vegans out there for kicking ass like they are and also myself even though I failed at it. But hey, I'm still on it. 

3. Started my blog.

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4. Traveled for two hours every single day to work (and felt very adult about it) ;)

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Mumbai is a BIG CITY. And traveling is something you just have to do when you're there ( especially when your office is 14 km away from where you live). But I'm happy to report, I survived the traveling and guess what? It was fun sometimes. 

5. Got my first paycheck in the history of ever.

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AGAIN! Felt very adult about it. It was great. I mean it was MONEY, who doesn't like them some cash?

6. Boarded local trains like a boss. 

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Let's just say, I am an expert when it comes to local trains now. And I'm proud of it.

7. Talked live to my favorite YouTuber.

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It was 21st August. And I talked to my favorite YouTuber for 1 hour and 45 minutes. She answered all the 11 questions that I asked her. And guess what? She even said "HEY NATASHA!" OMG JUST THE THOUGHT OF IT. I CAN'T EVEN.

8. Had a major embarrassing meltdown in front of the CTO ( you know who you are )

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OKAY! So the meltdown? Yes! EMBARRASSMENT LEVEL INFINITE. But the very intellectual discussion that followed the meltdown? Totally worth it. And I am grateful that I had a CTO (you know who you are :D) who was so understanding. 

9. Got a panic attack in the bus on my way to work and still went to work.

Image source: Google

If you know anything about panic attacks then you would know that the first thing you want to do when you get a panic attack is to GET OUT OF THAT SITUATION. But I was in the bus. On my way to work. And I got a panic attack. But I survived it. And went to work. And everything turned out to be just fine. And you know what? I am literally patting myself on the back now. 

10. Got to eat really good food.

Image source: Google

So I don't know what it is about this year, but it's been consistently nice to me in terms of food (lasagna, tandoori momos, pina colada, starbucks frappes,etc). The amount of delicious food that I am eating is just unfathomable and I am very happy.

11. Got a brand new, shiny and awesome friend. 

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You know who you are. You are awesome. Just stay awesome. And hopefully, everything between us will always be "sorted". ;)

12. Went out of my comfort zone a lot of times. 

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My comfort zone is literally the size of a penny. And I had to get out of it a lot of times. And I liked it. And I'm proud of myself.

13. All the awesome outings with my sister.

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So grateful for all of that. It was amazing. From boarding a metro at 11 at night to never wanting to leave from Chaupati because it is so beautiful and calming, it was ALL AMAZING. 

14. Read amazing books and discovered one of my favorite books of all time.

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It is the kite runner by Khaled Hosseini. And it is hands down one of my favorite books of all time. And you should totally read it if you haven't already. And I am still reading a lot more. 

15. When I applied for a part time job at starbucks.

Image source: Google

Okay so if you know me then you should know that I have "working at starbucks" in my bucket list (don't ask my why). So I decided to apply for a job there and I could have easily been working there right now but I didn't have that much amount of time left with me in Mumbai because it was time for me to get back to my home town. But it is still totally on my bucket list. And I felt proud of the fact that I took the initiative to apply for it.

16. Survived eating only Top Ramen curry for a week.

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But still, proud of myself for that. 

17. Chased a bus like a crazy person. 

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Let me just begin this by saying, I HAVE NEVER EVER CHASED AFTER A BUS but If I wouldn't have chased after this bus then it would have been me waiting for it for another 30 minutes to arrive and that is a lot of time so obviously I had to chase after it. Imagine a 21 year old girl shouting like a crazy person running after a bus as if it's the end of the world. Funny enough? Yep! Still proud of it. 

So.. these were some of those little things out of that long list of little things that I did that made me feel grateful about my life and feel proud of myself. And hopefully November and December will also be nice to me. It might seem piffle to some of you but before you try to be all original and judge me , DON'T. Because no matter what you say or do or think, I don't give two shits. I am proud of ALL OF THESE things and more and 2016 couldn't have been any nicer and it still is very nice to me (thank the lord). Of course, I faced few hardships here and there but I dealt with it in the best way that I could have. I wanted to appreciate myself for all the efforts that I have put in so far because I don't think I do that often. People tend to compliment other people the most but not themselves. And that needs to change. So that is it and I would like to end this by quoting a very wise person " The little things? The little moments? They aren't little."

Thanks and I hope you enjoyed reading this. 

With lots of love,


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