25 Questions Tag ( All about me)

Hey there! I am Natasha.This is my first blog ever. And if you're reading this then the chances are that you don't know anything about me other than my name (unless you are my friend and I sent you the link to this blog). So I decided to do the "about me" tag because it is a great way to know a little more about the person than just their name. I typed "about me tag questions" on google and these were the questions that I came across so here we go:

1.What is your middle name?
--> I don't have one.

2.What was your favourite subject at school?
--> English. I really really enjoyed my English class.

3.What is your favourite drink?
--> Water and teas.

4.What is your favourite song at the moment?
--> I have been listening to "Hey Marseilles" by Elegy non-stop. It's such a feel-good song. Also I've been listening to "hymn for the weekend" by Coldplay 'cause I love it.

5.What is your favourite food?
--> I love Chinese food. I can't ever have enough of Chinese food.

6.What is the last thing you bought?
--> I bought myself a veggie burger last sunday. But if food doesn't count then I am pretty sure I bought a face wash.

7.Favourite book of all time?
--> Oh god..I can't pick one. It's so hard. I have read a lot of books that are my favourite.

8.Favourite color?
--> PINK!

9.Do you have any pets?
--> Yes I do. I have an Indian star tortoise. 

10.Do you like Sushi?
-->No I don't. In fact, my sushi experience was pretty funny.

11.How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
--> I'll be 21 this 15th of May.

12.What is your eye colour?
--> Light brown.

13.What time did you wake up this morning?
--> At 12:00 PM. And I am not proud of it. And I'm going to change that. 

14.When was the last time you cried?
--> Last friday when I was reading "The kite runner" by Khaled Hosseini. 

15.Favourite movie?
--> It's so hard to pick one! But I mostly like all rom-coms.

16.Favourite TV show?
--> How I met your mother, Gilmore Girls, friends. 

17.How tall are you?
--> 5 ft 5

18.Have you ever had an all-nighter?
--> A lot of times.

19.How many siblings do you have?
--> I have two sisters. One is 3 years younger than me. And another one is 3 years older than me.

20.Have you ever been to a different country?
--> Nope.

21.What is your ringtone?
--> "Junk of the heart" by the Kooks.

22.When was the last time you showered?
--> This evening.

23.What's the weather like right now?
--> It's neither too hot nor too cold. It's the spring season and I love it.

24.Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
--> A laptop.

25.Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
--> Yes. 

So I hope you guys got to know a little more about me than just my name.I really enjoyed answering all the questions. And thank you so much for reading. Lots of love, Natasha.
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